Spring: I maintain my pond

When spring comes, the big cleaning of the garden begins! For the happy owners or beneficiaries of a garden pond, it’s time to roll up your sleeves to do the big dusting! Baches-direct offers you some practical tips to give a new youth to your pond and enjoy as it is your beautiful garden!
Cleaning depends on the type of pond
First of all, note that cleaning your pond is not necessarily synonymous with emptying. Quite the contrary!
If your water point is home to fish or other animal species, or if you have managed to create an environment where fauna and flora meet, emptying could destroy the entire ecosystem. Emptying will be a solution to consider only if your pond is really polluted or well perforated for example. In the latter case, it is essential to empty it to effectively carry out repairs or even the replacement of the pool bottom cover.
Baches-direct offers a selection of permeable and resistant pool covers, high-end products. Do not hesitate to contact us for any installation or renovation of basin.
What are the steps to clean a basin?
Take a dip net and go fishing for debris, dead leaves and other unwanted plants.
Remove as much green and filamentous algae that suffocate the pelvis. Remove stems or leaves from aquatic plants that are yellowed or diseased.
Once this step is completed, you can optionally replace a third of the volume of water in the basin with clean and clear water.
Finally, if your pond has a pump system or autonomous filtration, remember to clean the device. Change the filters, check the correct operation of the device, and check the effectiveness of the infiltration system. All right? You can replace the pump and restart the filtration in the basin!