What are edible plants and how to recognize them?

Flowers are coming more and more often on our plates. Pleasure of the eyes, certainly, this floral decoration can also be consumed and that’s all the beauty of the dish right? Picked to decorate and be eaten, cut edible flowers suffer no waste. But what varieties can be consumed? What precautions should you take before serving them to your guests?
What kinds of flowers can you eat?
They are numerous but you must learn to recognize them before you can consume them. Indeed, some can be extremely dangerous for the body. We will see which can be consumed without danger to your body because it is absolutely not necessary to pick everything, anywhere and anytime! It is vital for you to recognize them so as not to risk intoxication.
Some of these plants are not unknown to us and we rub shoulders with them every day.
- This is the case for nettle whose leaves are serrated, hairy and very stinging. "Who rubs, stings!". It is usually eaten cooked and it will be necessary to scald it to remove its spicy character. And don’t forget to put on gloves to harvest it. Its leaves can be cooked as spinach, in soup or used as an infusion once dried.
- Another edible wild plant is dandelion. It is known for its long, toothed leaves and yellow flower. It grows almost everywhere and it is harvested especially in the spring but avoid picking them at places where dogs pass. It is at this time that the leaves are the most crunchy and appetizing. We usually cook its leaves in salad with boiled eggs and grilled bacon but we can also make jam. Dandelion root can also be eaten by frying it in a little oil.
- Clover, which is well known in our regions, is also a consumable wild plant. It is easily recognizable thanks to its three or four (rarer!) small oval leaves and it is eaten in salad mainly or as an accompaniment to tomatoes or others. Daisies, these pretty little white and yellow flowers can also garnish your salads or be used as herbal teas.
- Nasturtiums are very popular because very colorful! Harvest them in the garden, just after flowering, usually between June and October. The flowers, leaves and buds are eaten just as well: you will love this little slightly peppery taste, ideal to decorate a beautiful salad or decorated a meat or fish dish!
- The zucchini flower, of course! Stuffed, it’s a real treat!
Other lesser known and yet edible varieties:
- Bear garlic has a white flower that resembles that of lily of the valley (not to be confused because that of lily of the valley is toxic) but has a strong garlic smell very characteristic. It can be eaten in salads or sauces for example.
- Lemon balm with large, pointed, green leaves can be used in herbal teas or fruit salads.
- The plantain whose leaves are rather round and the stem quite large and ending in a small ball (which was used in our childhood as a projectile by making a loop with the stem) will serve as a salad or will be consumed as vegetables, once the leaves have been scalded, or in pies, cakes or other culinary preparations.
Strict precautions
There are many other varieties of wild plants to taste and here you have only a very small overview.
Remember that any plant should be meticulously cleaned, rinsed with clear water.
Only harvest flowers from your garden, because you know what products you used. Never pick flowers on the side of roads and paths, in order to eat them!
In case of doubt, do not tempt the devil! Prefer to refer to a guide of the botanist, ask the question live to a specialist and especially learn to recognize them well.
And you, what flowers of the garden do you consume