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Why and how to recover rainwater?


Eau de pluie
Eau de pluie

High temperatures are generally the cause of rivers and groundwater whose level drops considerably during the summer. For both individuals and professionals, water is becoming a rare commodity whose use is limited.

In these conditions, how to reduce the impact of drought on the garden? How to water plants and vegetable garden during the summer? We now offer you a simple solution to set up at home: the rainwater collector. Let’s see together the advantages of such a system, the garden tip of the day!

The rainwater collector, an economical solution

Are you interested in saving water?

A garden, when it is cultivated and landscaped with beds, trees and vegetable gardens, represents a source of expenditure. In addition to the various tools and products you use, you must water your garden. Watering, regardless of the irrigation system in place, is a cost item for city water consumption, just like water from the washing machine, dishwasher, toilet, etc.

A rainwater collector can reduce the water bill by up to 40%! A significant saving, isn’t it!

Rainwater, quality water

Rainwater is naturally clean, that is, not loaded with pesticides and other undesirable residues. It offers better quality than most city waters.

How to install a rainwater collector?

There are different systems for collecting rainwater.

If you are ready to invest, opt for above-ground water tanks, or even better, buried. They are connected to the gutters of the house by pipes buried (or not) and connected on the other side to the underground tank. The water is filtered, cleared of roof debris and other impurities. The cleaned water is then returned via water outlets directly in the house or to the garden. The advantage of such installation is that they can integrate an additional system allowing the rainwater stored and cleaned to be reused for washing household linen! Additional savings in short!

Obviously, for those who do not want or cannot bear the cost of this type of installation, do not worry, and play the system D!

Make your natural fresh water recuperator

Collect a plastic tank or a large plastic barrel with the appropriate lid. You also need a mosquito net and a waterproof tape (which supports contact with water without losing its adhesive power), a tap with thread, a small rubber ring (for the sealing of the tap), and a plastic elbow.

  • Start by cleaning the tank or barrel, or any other container you are going to use
  • Pierce the lid: form an opening about 20-25cm in diameter
  • Attach the screen to cover the opening created in step 2
  • In the tank or barrel, drill a pure hole fix the tap, neither too high nor too low
  • Around the thread of the tap, wrap waterproof adhesive tape then place the rubber ring over it
  • Insert the tap into the hole of the tank or barrel
  • Place the recuperator under the gutter (beforehand, it will sometimes be necessary to adjust the gutter by cutting or sawing part)

So, convinced? You too, adopt an economic and ecological behavior and install a rainwater collector in your garden!